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Proud of My Team

Happy Sunday Everyone

We have a site visit for our coaching students 1x during the semester. Typically they come in a day ahead of time, we have a great dinner, then watch the team operate the next day. Basically a day in the of life of our team with tons of q/a. As you might suspect, they’ve been virtual the past year, which absolutely sucks but is what it is. We asked my students ahead of time if there was anything specific they wanted us to touch upon. One question that came up was asking each team member what they believed separated us from our competition.

As we’re rolling through our daily team meeting I’m about to wrap everything up and Brigitte kindly reminds me of this question, which had been completely forgotten by me. Brigitte, who i consider my boss, forgets nothing, ever. Her attention to detail is 2nd to none, which is why she’s such an asset to our team and to me personally, she keeps me on track. Holly, another team member, who is one of my all time favorite humans chimes in and says “I’ll go first”. Holly has been with us for just under 6 years. Single mom to Evan, future hall of fame lefty (he’s 5 but I’m fairly certain based on his swing he’ll be in the bigs). You never need to worry where you stand with Holly, she’s going to tell you whether you like it or not. I’m not nervous about what Holly is going to say but I’m certainly curious. So here she is, 18 people on zoom and Holly just rips out the following:

Things that separate us:

* Cohesive and dedicated team
* proactive and communicative
* meet deadlines and deliver on promises
* solution based, not blame based
* genuinely care about each other as humans
* not afraid to ask for help or voice concerns

She finishes and everyone on the call is just staring at each other, like what the hell was that? I think one student actually said “are you freaking kidding me”. I’m sitting there stunned and proud. I’m thinking as I write this, if I had anything to do with creating that, drop the mic and I’m out. I seriously am thinking right now, i”ve never been so proud to be a part of a team that creates that mindset in a individual team member, but also describes how the rest of the team thinks and feels. What i also love is that Holly’s mom gets these Sunday Thoughts and gets to hear what a Rockstar her daughter is in front of a few folks.

So what’s my take are from this and a purposeful learning lesson to me on how we got to what Holly so eloquently said? we cut out the cancers. Every one of our team members lives to what’s above. What Holly stated is truly how each person on our team operates. I have a picture of each team member in my head right now and they all check each one of those boxes. We’ve had people in the past that didn’t and they were found out quickly and cut. When you have great people around you its a beautiful thing and such a better way to show up to work everyday. Just need to always make sure we find ourselves on the asset side of the asset/liability check list.

Have a great rest of your Sunday!

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